
June 26, 2018: Chandler Friedman W2NP: The FT8 digital mode

Chandler will be presenting on the newest digital mode to hit the amateur radio world: FT8. Named, in part, for the Nobel laureate who helped invent it, FT8 was responsible for more than half of all ham radio radio traffic by the end of 2017 according to the ARRL (source: http://www.arrl.org/news/mode-usage-evaluation-2017-was-the-year-when-digital-modes-changed-forever). The current solar minimum has made it harder to get DX contacts, but since FT8 is a weak signal digital mode, those with a poor antenna, low power, or a slow fist on CW now have a fun new alternative!

This presentation goes through the basics of how the mode works, how to get your station set up and configured, how to get your first FT8 contact, the common problems hams encounter when trying to get started in FT8 and even how to operate portably using FT8. Chandler will also be bringing in his own portable set-up to demonstrate the mode and show how FT8 helped him close out WAS on 5 different bands in a matter of months.

Chandler Friedman W2NP is an amateur extra class ham radio operator and Peabody Award winning network journalist. After over a dozen years working in local and network news as an assignment editor, he walked away from the CNN National desk to pursue his small business full time. That business, World Gone Silent, helps people who've heard of ham radio get started in the hobby with kits that include all they need to get licensed and on the air. He recently moved to LA from Atlanta, where he was the Emergency Coordinator for Atlanta ARES and was voted 2017 Ham of the Year by the Atlanta Radio club. When not tinkering with radio stuff, he likes camping, reading, remote-controlled helicopters, and delicious steamed blue crabs with Old Bay seasoning.