History of the Pasadena Radio Club

by Theodore E. Palmer, D.C., WA6MUK

December 1, 1992 [glosses in square brackets added by Michael Reagan, KK6WO]

I was recently given the privilege of safeguarding the Archives of the Pasadena Radio Club. [PRC Archives are currently in the custody of Michael Reagan, KK6WO] These records were passed on to me from Harold Scott, WA6EAT, Vice-President 1988, Secretary 1986; Bert Henning, KA6YEO, President 1986; Johnny Fobes, KW6G, President 1984, Secretary 1986; Paul Gordon, N6LL, President 1973, 1982, 1985, [1992], Vice-President 1985, and Secretary 1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1981. We, indeed, thank you for these records. A special thanks to Bernard Doermann, WA6HDY,

President 1979, Vice-President 1984, for his contribution in supplying me with some invaluable missing facts.

In the late 1940's, there was the Pasadena Short-Wave Club and they held their meetings at the Michillinda Woman's Club, Rosemead Boulevard and Sunset Ave., East Pasadena (both have now folded). The club may have had nothing to contribute to our beginning, but is only noted here to reflect that an amateur radio club was in our area, perhaps like many others across the country; amateurs finding a mutual common interest without a mutual common goal!

Our club was formulating about 1953 and first met in the basement of the meeting hall below the stage at Farnsworth Park, Altadena. We were accused of "annoyances" and told we did not belong there. Johnny Rothrock, W6MYC, (Charter Member), suggested that we affiliate with the Los Angeles County, R.A.C.E.S., and meet at the Altadena Sheriff Station. If not for his suggestion, a different epoch may have occurred with no story. Our first recorded record is dated June 6, 1959, revealing an energetic club which almost fell apart fifteen year's later. This is a time when Richard Nixon was Vice-President, Alaska and Hawaii gained statehood, and Fidel Castro was a triumphant guerrilla leader in Cuba.

It is to be remembered by the reader that the minutes are recorded happenings basically to remind the members at the next meeting what transpired or occurred at a prior meeting. Bulletins and President's Reports evolved at a later date. The meeting minutes can be dull, except for a certain flair or style of the writer, i.e., August 10, 1962, Secretary Vern Gallinger, K6VJJ, wrote the following: "There was no old business, there was no new business, and there was no monkey business." It is doubtful that the secretaries who served under so many administrations ever thought that their minutes would survive to be perused by future generations regarding the trials and tribulations of our club. These records are now in a state of disunion; some missing, others wrinkled, for time has a way of doing this. Beautiful correspondence can be found without dates or a signature, attendance rosters with no dates, and call signs with no names. However, dates are not important, but only for reference, as we will be looking at eras. There is no George Washington, Hiram Percy Maxim, or Caesar to be found in the records, only a small group of hams whose names and call signs are practically lost, each contributed once or twice or for many years, were attempting some degree of unity to maintain a status quo in our locale and trying to survive when they were sometimes devastated.

On June 26, 1959, Harry Potter (Charter Member), W6JBX, was president (also 1963). It was Harry who manufactured our wooden gavel that we use. (A true icon!). F. E. Dewhurst (Dewey) was Secretary, W6MQM (President 1961, 1966, 1968, and Secretary 1959, 1960, and 1963). It is Dewey who appears to have set our scenario as a contributing organizer. The club meetings were held at the Altadena Sheriff Station, 780 E. Altadena Dr., Altadena. A clubroom was available, but shared with the Sheriff's Department.

On July 10, 1959, it was decided to advertise and tell others that the regular meetings were to be held on the fourth Friday of the month, and an informal meeting would be held on the second Friday. Member attendance usually averaged about ten, and an increase never met with any success. Desperate attempts at sending invitations to prospective members can only be emphasized by Harvey Hetland, WA6KZI (President 1972, Secretary 1974, and A.R.R.L. Section Manager for the Los Angeles area 1969), who recommended on August 24, 1964, that any prospective members be escorted to their first club meeting. The second Friday of the month eventually led to regular meetings.

These early minutes indicated that on December 11, 1959, the first annual club dinner of record was held at Gwinn's Restaurant, 2915 E. Colorado Blvd., (now Bengie's) where the club gavel was lost, but found a month later by Harry Potter, W6JBX. There has been an annual dinner every year, but no records were found for some years. Marino House (address unknown), Venetian Room, 2556 N. Lake Ave., (which is now Christ Temple Apostolic Church), Peppermill, 795 E. Walnut Ave., and Flamingo-Ramada, Arcadia. Steak dinners averaged $3.00 to $5.00, including tax and tip.

The club was becoming a reality. On February 26, 1960, the membership authorized $2.00 for renewal of our membership with the Council of Radio Clubs. This move for a beginning club allowed two delegates to represent us at the council, bringing back their reports of activities and concerns of other clubs in the Los Angeles area, as well as the concerns that continue to plague us, i.e. TVI, antenna restrictions and improper language, but were increasing public awareness to continue a need for unity. Civil defense operations played a major role for the ham operator then, which was provided on a regional basis, and we were classified as Region 1, District 7, for many of their drills.

On October 8, 1960, a vote was taken as to whether the club should affiliate with the A.R.R.L. Eight members were present. Yes-5 and No-3. A letter was sent to A.R.R.L. (in part), "The Pasadena Radio Club has been organized and active approximately four years, with a membership of fifteen active members. We have obtained W6KA as our club call...." Tom Nykirk, W6KA, became a silent key about 1952. In 1953, it was Johnny Rothrock, W6MYC, who suggested our new group apply for his call sign, as a two-letter call sign would be ideal for Field Day and public relations. A.R.R.L. correspondence dated July 27, 1961, stated that our club was officially approved and would soon be issued a charter. Said charter is not in our Archives. A sample constitutional bylaws, was provided by A.R.R.L. and this established a check and balance between the Board of Directors and the membership for improvement over the years, i.e. fifty cent dues raised to one dollar and payable July 1st; Board members had to be at least 21-years of age: eligible if they were a holder of a General Class or higher license. Our last ratification was October 1988. [see Our Club page for current revisions] On December 21, 1961, Hank Myers, W6SXI (Charter Member), became a silent key. He is presumed to have been our first Trustee. He had twice held office as Vice-President, as well as Field Day Marshall (in charge and appointed band captains).

Bob Cole, Jr., Secretary, K6OMU (President 1960, 1968, 1971, 1974, and Secretary 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968; Vice President Council of Radio Clubs, 1971; succeeded as our Trustee.

Field Day is first recorded as being set for June 6, 1961, at San Rafael Towers. On May 26, 1961, these rules were agreed upon: Participants would pay dues and attend at least the meeting (club) before Field Day. An implication of a frantic search the prior year (1960) for a site which could have been found and held is made on May 27, 1960, leaves us wondering by Secretary Dewey, W6MQM, who wrote, "Those that caused trouble last year," to return to the same site as 1959, is left for the reader to draw their own conclusion. The San Rafael Tower site was a forest ranger fire lookout tower with some F.M. antennas on it. On July 6, 1965, Secretary Bob Cole, K6OMU, notes that an F.C.C. Field Team visited other clubs in the area passing out citations, but did not cite our club. We continue to use this site today, which is commonly referred to as Cerro Negro. Our club maintains an annual ritual, writing for permission from the various owners, including the Los Angeles County Fire Marshall, for permission to use the site, and we have never received a denial. Our club Field Day scores were diligently kept for yearly comparison, but they are no longer of any value due to the scoring system changes that time has brought.

The Pasadena Radio Club was becoming successful, due to the meeting location at the Altadena Sheriff Station with a R.A.C.E.S. station (K6CPT-7) fully operational. January 15, 1961, David McGee, K6GPJ (Charter Member, President 1962), reported that the club's license was missing and the radio equipment area was found unlocked. Thirty day's later it was found by Harry Potter, W6JXB, and October 27, 1967, Secretary Bob Cole, K6OMU, left us some chilly minutes. A delayed meeting was called to order: "This delay was caused by failure of the heating system which made the meeting room and radio room very cold. Several futile attempts were made to stop the cold air blowing into the rooms. This problem was solved and the meeting was moved to the radio room where all the equipment was turned on to help warm up the room. Unfortunately, the projector had "bugs."

During the early years at this meeting place, voluminous Council of Radio Club reports were equaled by the then provided service of A.R.R.L. Bulletins being read to the membership. One typical bulletin was concerning the effects of the A-bomb on long-range radio frequencies. Meetings concluded with a movie from the Pasadena Library, or a member's home-made reel on any subject; the discretion being the program chairman, who was rotated on a monthly basis.

Involvement was plentiful! R.A.C.E.S. was active for many drills named "Operation" (this or that) for the supposedly secret meaning. On April 12, 1963, mention was made in the minutes of a Los Angeles County Medical Association letter thanking us for not only our mobile communications, but the delivery of supplies during the Sabine Oral Polio Drive in October, 1962. Halloween nights were busy with the club assisting the Sheriff deputies. Mountaineer rescue teams needed our support which required additional drills.

As a vital club now, members were socializing with real faces across town, that prior was only a voice from the speaker. Our Outdoor Chairmen arranged for picnics at practically every park with swaps, spreading out with motorcades galore to every point of the compass.

The first Transmitter Hunt (now fading to a lost art) was on January 28, 1962, frequency was 29.2 mcs. Several month's later, we learned of attempts to start a net for the club to check into, and trade information on current events. On September 28, 1962, George Matsouka, W6TXB (Charter Member) established a rag-chew net on two and ten meters on Wednesday, 2000 hrs., 29.64 mcs., and Thursday, 2000 hrs., 146.34 mcs. The reader is reminded we were still on A.M. mode with or without crystals, as hand-helds were not perfected for general use until a later date.

Our first Treasurer's report with a dollar sign is noted on April 26, 1963, by Vern Gallagher, K6VJJ, reporting "$46.06 in the club sock." Our treasury was almost wiped out by the 1964 annual dinner, as reported on January 8, 1965. Thus, a new policy was enacted to the effect that dinner orders could not be placed unless the attendee paid in advance. Our thanks to Tom Broock, WA6MBK (Treasurer 1973) and Joel Salz, WA6ILJ, who both in June, 1962, stated that they were the last two members of the disbanded Pasadena-Altadena Radio Club and their treasury of $19.65 was donated into our treasury. Joel Salz, WA6ILJ, also displayed an I.D. pin which might be suitable for members (a lost forerunner of our present name badges).

These early and mid-sixties were times of concern with the growing number of C.B'ers to swell the eleven-meter band that we lost. On July 26, 1967, we voted to support the A.R.R.L. proposal to cooperate with the local C.B'ers, and on January 9, 1970, we had 10-C.B'ers to every one of our ham stations helping us during the Rose Parade (T.O.R.R.A. was not formed until about 1974).

The A.R.R.L. proposal noted on May 12, 1967, to allow novices A.M. privileges at the high end of 10 meters was met with moans and groans of the membership. Our assistance to novices was more passive than active to say the least. A suggestion by Vice-President Jerry Newcomb, K6KRN [K6RKN], on January 13, 1967 (also Vice President 1966), for a Novice Crystal Band Fund was suggested, as well as a radio class in cooperation with the Los Angeles Access Headquarters, 2531 Nina Street, Pasadena, with a $10.00 fee, in 1982. Code classes were being held at Pasadena High School, as reported on January 24, 1965, but these classes lead to a commercial first class license and favored the 20 w.pm. Extra-Class license hopeful. (Introduction to Ham Radio for no charge at Pasadena High School was held for several years and reportedly discontinued in 1981). Minutes of May 9, 1962, stated that the F.C.C. would be charging fees for radio licenses. This came to pass and a renewal began in 1984). Apathy in the club was slowly being revealed in the minutes during the late sixties. Even though all was reported as going well, the current was evident, and without a correction of course. A student of history or government can be called upon to expound the affects of a society, be it large or small, as it appeared that they played musical chairs with various offices and chairmanships with no foresight to allow any cadre to be formed with their new ideals by trial or error; to be at least guided by those who had served on the board of directors, who should have taken a seat in the audience to be called upon when needed for their guidance. Eventually, there was no one in the audience!

On January 14, 1966, Secretary Bob Cole, K6MOU, reported that R.A.C.E.S. check-ins which averaged about 50% during 1965, had fallen to about 10% in 1966. This 10% check-in statistic is clarified in the minutes of January 25, 1966; to wit: "The required check-in once every 90 days, is required by the F.C.C; each member will be required to assist in a roll-call from K6CPT-7 at least once every 90 days in order to keep the R.A.C.E.S. license."

On August 23, 1968, only four members attended the club meeting and the business of the club was dispensed. In September, a report stated only three members checked into the 2-meter net for the past four to five years, and that the net would continue on Friday night on 29.61 Mcs. at 1900 hrs. Motorcades were disappearing and disappointedly reported on November 27, 1968, by Harry Potter, W6JBX, that he was the only member who showed up at the Sears parking lot, 3801 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena. July 11, 1969, Secretary Tom Bennett, K6BEM, (President 1967, Secretary 1970, 1971) reports a motion by Jerry Newcomb, K6KRN [K6RKN], to have a meeting once a month, that appears without a follow through. The meetings in this year and the next few were meager and at times without the President and Vice-President in attendance, with only a few members, and with the Secretary arriving late. Programs began to disappear, as well as reports. Surprisingly, we find President Lloyd, WA6EST, earlier on May 12, 1969, considering incorporating our club for $40.00 using the attorney of the Council of Radio Clubs.

October 22, 1971, Secretary Tom Bennett, K6BEM, gave us no clue as to why we were no longer meeting at the Altadena Sheriff Station; whether it was by choice or request. Only the last page of a book of minutes covering 12 years were saved through the years, thus, leaving any researcher hoping to find another page or a scrap of paper. Hereafter, many familiar vanguard names were never mentioned again. However, as dark and bleak as times were, some members with vision reconcile to live through this depression; keeping together our foundation and searching for a revival. Our Articles of Incorporation were found dated and signed on July 21, 1972, by President Harvey Hetland, WA6KZI, and Secretary Paul Gordon, N6LL, with a receipt for services rendered from Shepherd, Shepherd and Dundas Law Firm, Los Angeles, for $72.00.

It appears that we were inspired and guided through this reconstruction period by now Secretary, Harvey Hetland, WA6KZI, as indicated by a few minutes and club bulletins found starting in January, 1974. On January 5, 1974, we find President Kim Bottles, KB6ZGL, attending our possible first Board of Director's meeting at Harvey's home, and on January 23rd, a policy of board meetings on the first Tuesday of the month is set. There were a few board of director's minutes clearly indicating that considerable soul searching was being pondered for our future, i.e. to bring in outside talent for our programs, more social activities, encourage after meeting coffee shop rag-chews, and there was a questionnaire given to the members to investigate what their particular interest was.

February 14, 1974, we acquired our P.P. Box 282, Altadena (temporarily closed for nonrenewal 30 days later), abandoning the Altadena Sheriff Station address. Also, we received our first notice of failure to renew on time with the California Tax Board. A persistent quirk that we have continued to allow as a model, as we rarely pay until we receive a threatening delinquency notice with a penalty noted.

A few bulletins were found for early 1974, indicating that in February, we had been meeting for two years at Republic Federal Savings, 2246 N. Lake Ave., Altadena. Our last meeting was in March, 1974, due to renovating of their room. We learn of code classes, plans for Field Day, annual dinners, Altadena Pioneer Day Festival with our participation, and social activities all without fanfare. February 14, 1974, Editor Bob Bll, WA6LDT, who in this issue asked to be released from his underpaid duties. The April Bulletin stated that our new meeting location was at the Altadena Library, 600 E. Mariposa St., Altadena, but this was short lived. President Kim Bottles, KB6ZGL, resigned, and Vice-President Herman Hunn, WB6RQY, declined to assume the presidency. A special election was unsuccessful, and Bob Cole, K6OMU, volunteered to serve as President on May 21, 1974. A few months later on August 20, 1974, Secretary Harvey Hetland, WA6ZKI, handed in his resignation, and Paul Gordon, N6LL, assumed the Secretary-Treasurer duties for the club. (A note is made that all reference to any past secretary, should be understood to mean Secretary-Treasurer. Separation of elected positions came at a later date). The club was indeed struggling, and decisions finally had to be made by the members for self-determination. Secretary Paul Gordon, N6LL, on September 17, 1974, left us a mirror of ourselves at the Altadena Library membership meeting. Our program speaker was Ray Hodges, W6AQP, Atlas Radio, and at 8:15 p.m., "The Head Librarian threw the whole rowdy bunch of us out on the street where an informal rag-chew was held." In October, Jay Holliday, W6EJJ, then a candidate for Vice-Director of A.R.R.L., presented a program about AMSAT/OSCAR. Everyone was interested, except, and again, the Librarian, so the meeting was adjourned. It was also at this meeting that our club meetings were voted upon to change to their present fourth Tuesday. Also, an appropriate suggestion was made to find a new meeting place!

It is learned without any records that in 1976, we were now meeting at Glendale Federal Savings, 722 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena. It was in 1976 that Bill Cronkhite, K6QQN (Treasurer 1981) made his repeater operational (then known as WR6ANY) on Flint Peak (elevation 1,880 feet), and in 1977, entered an agreement with the Pasadena Radio Club for mutual moral support. Without any hesitation, the repeater was a catalyst to our club, with members rag-chewing on a club frequency while mobile inviting non-members to join us any time for club activities.

January, 1980, Bob Cole, Jr., K6OMU, is reported as a silent key. We quote Bernard Doermann, WA6HDY, written report (in part), "It is not an overstatement to call Bob one of the supporting pillars on which the club was built. The Pasadena Radio Club, W6KA, will be less without him." Bob was found on 40-meter c.w. by Dave McGee, K6GPJ, about 1955, and invited him to join our club.

Herbert Hoover, III (prefers to be called Pete), W6ZH (Vice-President 1978), succeeded as our Trustee.

The era of the late 1970's found the club on a more solid foundation, beginning to thrive again. There is not an exact date, but about this time through the 1980's reflects the most progressive growth that leaves the prior 26 years, as only a lesson. Members were now progressing with minor problems. There was a pride in the Pasadena Radio Club! Special events made a new, but different type of comeback. Caravans were restarted and bicycle/walk-a-thons were seeking us for their causes to be of assistance with communications. A cadre of potential leadership was being built adding for a healthy diversification with the board of directors.

February, 1980, Treasurer Cliff Ford, KB6IA, reported that we had 52 card-carrying (since discontinued) members and a healthy $452.22 in the treasury. In November, 1980, at the suggestion of Paul Gordon, N6LL, to identify our club during public service events and to publicize amateur radio, we purchased our A.R.R.L. flag. Our annual dinner in 1980 was at the Elks' Lodge, 400 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, with the Crescenta Valley Radio Club (also 1981, 1984, and 1989), and again in 1982, at the Brookside Country Club Restaurant, 1133 Rosemont Ave., Pasadena.

Insidiously, a non-elected position in the club, not found in the bylaws, was becoming a source of underlying influence. Namely, Bulletin Editors were beginning to be a fourth estate. In 1981, Editor Jerry Hawkins, WD6CKN (NowK0DRO; President 1983; Secretary 1979, 1982 and 1988), the bulletin was a prototype of our present bulletin; board members were prominently listed, and in June, our first photograph appeared. This honor and accompanying article concerned member Bennett White, W6ZPC (Treasurer 1985). In 1983, Editor Robert Millard, KE6JI (also 1984; Secretary 1989), introduced computer word processed bulletins, and in 1987, Editor David Felt, KB6ORR, changed our bulletin to its present magazine-like appearance, adding telephone numbers next to the listed board members, and instituted program speakers on the front cover. Our bulletin editors were incorporating the monthly minutes in the bulletins, with various chairman reports, announcements, and other articles that only their keen senses dictated as "Editor's prerogative!"

The meeting room at Glendale Federal Savings was not able to handle our growth, and during the years, suggestions were made to find a larger location. The key for this meeting room had to be acquired during the daytime, and on occasion, it was not acquired in advance, forcing us to immediately scramble to a meeting room at the Pasadena American Red Cross Chapter Headquarters, 430 Madeline Dr., Pasadena. This one time occurrence coupled with an increasing enforcement of a 2100 hour curfew of "time to go home by the janitor" found us leaving in good graces in May, 1984, for continued monthly meetings at the Pasadena Red Cross Headquarters.

The last license examination by the F.C.C. in Long Beach, California, was about January, 1984 (since moved to Cerritos). Accredited volunteer examiners were now being phased in, and on October 15, 1985, our club held its first license examination under the leadership of Paul Gordon, N6LL, with assistance from Johnny Fobes, KW6G, Robert Cooper, W6DKT (Vice-President 1980), and Brad Hori, WU6H. It is Brad (Editor 1985 and 1986; Treasurer 1983 and 1984) who continues to direct our accredited volunteer examiners. Also, in January, 1985, Brad designed and introduced our first Pasadena Radio Club patch.

September, 1985, President Bob Dickson, N4IEV, became a silent key, and Vice-President Paul Gordon, N6LL, assumed the presidency (Bob was only licensed for three years, and a member of the club for two years). Surprisingly, in the November, 1985 bulletin, I found an article about myself (three years prior to my membership), noting that I was the Special-Event Station for the Ninth Occasional Pasadena Doo-Dah Parade.

The mid-1980's suggests that our members realized that to hold office required more work to maintain our success, than play time! The 1986 nominating committee was betwixt, and was saved by Bert Henning, KA6YEQ, nominating himself for president. It was three months later in March when Al Haycox, W6PRT, was voted in a Vice-President. Also, in January, 1986, our bulletin first noted that we were having a club breakfast at 0600 hours on the second Friday of the month at Conrad's Restaurant, 861 E. Walnut Ave., Pasadena. This was changed in November, 1988, to the Salt Shaker Restaurant, 260 S. Arroyo Parkway, Pasadena. May 27, 1986, Treasurer Jean Mills, KB6GRU, now N6WQO, made arrangements for us to have a joint meeting with the Long Beach Radio Club, at the Los Angeles Yacht Club. In July, 1986, Al Wolfe, KC7O (President 1987) instigated Novice and Technician classes with examinations afterward for licensure at the Pasadena Westminster Church, 1757 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena, which he continues to direct.

Again, our club needed more growing room. Parking was an unforeseen problem at the Pasadena American Red Cross Chapter and in January, 1988, President Terry Flack, WU6N, secured a meeting room for us at the Pasadena Westminster Church for $25.00 (one-half price) per meeting, with a provision that we submit evidence of insureability, and on October 1, 1988, we acquired the A.R.R.L. General Liability Coverage for $262.00 per year.

January 1, 1989, reveals our club's first special-event QSL card, courtesy of Trustee Pete Hoover, W6ZH. W6KA/mobile was installed in the American Red Cross Float. It was the first time in the history of the Pasadena Rose Parade, that an amateur radio station was operated from a float during the 3.2 mile, 3-hour event. Terry Flack, WU6N, devised a system of using part of the flowery float structure as a tri-band vertical. Contacts were made on 1.25, 2, 10, 15 and 20 meters. The hidden operator at our station was Trustee Pete Hoover, W6ZH.

Subsequent events are too near to us in time for any further consideration, other than to note that in April, 1990, our club moved its meeting to Kaiser Permanente, 393 E. Walnut St., Pasadena.

In conclusion, suffice: "Pasadena Radio Club's past does not equal its future!" It is hard to let go of the limited view of the past and become open to the exciting new expansive developmental concepts that will shape our future. It is equally hard to understand futuristic Pasadena Radio Club concepts from current viewpoints. Such viewpoints often lack the precise language or priority given by the new concepts. Let us understand that it is only in new ideals that we will create problems for traditional concepts, that we can only hope will not lose their power to responsibly answer and resolve.


Ted Palmer, WA6MUK
President, Pasadena Radio Club - 1990

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Charter members

Dave McGee K6GPJ, Harry Potter W6JBX, Dewey Dewhurst W6MQM, Johnny Rothrock W6MYC, Lou Bodenhausen W6NTN, George Mitsuoka W6TXB, Hank Myers W6SXJ

Past presidents since leaving the Altadena Sheriff's Station

1972: Harvey Hetland WA6KZI (later N6MM)

1973: Paul Gordon N6LL

1974: Kim Bottles WB6ZGL (now K7IM), Bob Cole K6OMU

1975: Bob Cole K6OMU

1976: Gene Schraut K6QY (later NG7A)

1977: Marshall Hall K6MEF

1978: Doug Tabor N6UA

1979: Bernard Doermann WA6HDY

1980: Norm Rhinehart W6ACZ

1981: Perry Masterson KD6C

1982: Paul Gordon N6LL

1983: Jerry Hawkins WD6CKN (now K0DRO)

1984: Johnny Fobes KW6G

1985: Bob Dickson N4IEV, Paul Gordon N6LL

1986: Bert Henning KA6YEQ

1987: Al Wolff KC7O

1988: Terry Flach WU6N

1989: Tom Adams WA6KSS

1990: Ted Palmer WA6MUK

1991: Tony Arcaro WA6KKI

1992: Paul Gordon N6LL

1993: Peter Fogg KA6RJF

1994: Merrie Suydam AB6LR

1995: F. Steven Nash, WB6ZJD

1996: Clint Kearns KB6CLA

1997: John Minger AC6VV

1998: Mark Seigel W6MES

1999: Allen Hubbard N6VTX

2000: Brett R. Henry KD6RGR

2001: Rosalyn Rich KC7ZGQ (now AE6WT)

2002: Dave Bassett KE6AYI

2003: Phil Barnes-Roberts WA6DZS

2004: Dave Bassett KE6AYI

2005: Paul Gordon N6LL

2006: Bruce Nolte N1BN

2007: Ray Overman KJ6NO

2008: Peter Fogg KA6RJF

2009: Tom Berne W6TAG

2010: Fred Lopez N6PBJ

2011: Mark Seigel W6MES

2012: Tom Berne W6TAG

2013: Tom Mikkelsen WA0POD

2014: Eli Lazarov W6ELI

2015: Tom Mikkelsen WA0POD

2016: Mark Seigel W6MES

2017: John Minger AC6VV

2018: Eric Christensen K6EJC

2019: Mark Seigel W6MES

2020 Paul Gordon N6LL

2021 David Hodge N6AN

2022 Jim Marr AA6QI

2023 Justin Linam KN6EJG

2024 Mark Seigel W6MES

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