Our club meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month, except December, at 7:00 p.m. at the Walnut Center location of Kaiser Permanente, 393 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena. Click here for a map and directions.
Enter at the public/visitor entrance at the southern end of the parking structure on Los Robles Ave, just north of Walnut Street. Take a parking ticket from the machine. Enter the building on the first floor and sign in at the desk. (Important: Your ticket must be validated at the security desk on your way out after the meeting.) We usually meet in Room 1D in the northwest corner of the first floor of the building.
Each meeting includes general business (with introduction of visitors) and a featured speaker.
Next meeeting: Tuesday, March 25, 2025: Brian Basura N6CVO: Pico balloons
See the Monthly meetings page for details of forthcoming and previous speakers.
Note: All meetings are currently held via Zooom. For details of connecting to the monthly club meeting, please see the Monthly meetings page.
The officers of the club are the President, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer, who are elected for a one-year term. The Board of Directors includes the current officers, the immediate past officers, and three directors-at-large. The Board for the current year (2025) includes the following.
Position | Name | Call |
President | John Armstrong | KF6GG |
Vice-president | John Minger | AC6VV |
Secretary | Justin Linam | KN6EJG |
Treasurer | Mark Seigel | W6MES |
Director-at-large | Jim Marr | AA6QI |
Director-at-large | Bruce Nolte | N1BN |
Director-at-large | OPEN POSITION | |
Past Officer | Mark Seigel | W6MES |
Past Officer | John Armstrong | KF6GG |
Past Officer | Justin Linam | KN6EJG |
Past Officer | Steve Tovali | KN6ZOO |
The following are positions appointed by the president.
Position | Name | Call |
Education chair | Mark Seigel | W6MES |
VE Team Liaison | Merrie Suydam | AB6LR |
Weekly Net | Lew Soloway | AC6LS |
Bulletin Editor | John Minger | AC6VV |
Field Day Chair | Jim Marr | AA6QI |
Web site admin | Graham Bothwell | AF6QR |
Club Badges | Bruce Nolte | N1BN |
Audio-visuals | Bruce Nolte | N1BN |
Position | Name | Call |
FCC Trustee | Paul Gordon | N6LL |
We have a Group at Groups.io, open to all. Click here for details.
You can find us in two places on Facebook:
Facebook Page — a public page for general announcements.
Facebook Group — a discussion group open to group members only. Please contact us if you wish to join the group.
Anyone interested in Amateur Radio is welcome to join the club. See the Membership Page for details.
Club bylaws (PDF) - as of February 22, 2022
For the club history page, click here.
For the Contact Us page, click here.