
April 25, 2017: Jonathan Kramer W6JLK: "I'm from the Government (Planning Department) and I'm here!"

The goal of this talk is to offer advice about how to get a ham tower/antenna permit approved by the local government with (hopefully) the least amount of pain.

Dr. Jonathan Kramer, W6JLK, heads Telecom Law Firm P.C. in Los Angeles and La Jolla. A lawyer licensed in California and New Mexico, Jonathan is also a broadband and wireless telecom engineer with over 35 years of experience. For nearly 25 years, he has served hundreds of local governments (including the City of Pasadena) as a wireless ordinance drafter, contract wireless site planner, third-party reviewer, and wireless site lease advisor. He holds an extra class license and is a life member of the ARRL. For nearly 10 years he’s served as an ARRL Volunteer Counsel in the Southwest Division. He’s also an ARRL Volunteer Examiner.

Jonathan is the co-author and co-editor of the FCC’s national RF emissions safety guide used by local governments around the country. He frequently deals with RF safety concerns raised by the public during planning hearings. He has been a testifying witness or trial advisor in over 40 wired and wireless cases.

After completing his Juris Doctor degree in 2001, Jonathan went on to earn a Masters of Law degree in IT and telecom law. Last year, he completed his doctorate in Law and Policy at Northeastern University in Boston.