November 24, 2015: Paul Gordon: Paul's Potpouri and Potluck Dinner
This meeting is a holiday potluck. If you are bringing food, please arrive a little early with your contribution so it can be set up with the other food in time for the serving line to begin at 7 p.m. Please RSVP or sign up to bring a dish at:
The business meeting will be at approximately 8 p.m. followed by a short presentation by Paul Gordon N6LL, which he has titled Paul's Potpouri. Some prizes have been contributed by HRO.
Paul Gordon is our club's 2015 vice-president, which means he is responsible for arranging speakers for the monthly meetings. For this year's holiday potluck, he has something different in mind, while allowing a greater amount of time for eating and socializing.
Please come, join in the celebration!