
October 24, 2023: Oliver Dully K6OLI: Amateur radio lessons from ARES exercises, like Red Skies Set and ShakeOut

PLEASE NOTE: Our monthly general meeting is IN-PERSON, as well as webcast on the internet. See the notes at the top of this page for details.

Join us as we explore the amateur radio lessons learned from the recent Red Skies SET and ShakeOut. We will explore the concept of hybrid HF/VHF/UHF/SHF networks, how technology affects net operations, why deployment exercises matter, and discuss the challenges of synchronous vs. asynchronous operations.

Our speaker this month, Oliver Dully, K6OLI, is an Amateur Extra, licensed since 2016. He serves as District Emergency Coordinator for ARES LAX Northeast, which provides amateur radio communications backup for 911 receiving hospitals in northeastern Los Angeles County. Operators with ARES LAX Northeast use innovative technologies like Winlink with VARA HF, VARA FM, Packet and AREDN mesh, for example, to provide amateur radio solutions for the complex communications demands of medical facilities when commercial options may have been compromised. Oliver is one of the initiators of the VARA FM Winlink Autobahn connecting Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. 

A special note: This month's meeting will include a non-trivial door prize for those attending the meeting in person!