The Gallery

Field Day: 2014: Photos by Jim Marr (AA6QI)

Assembling CITARC trailer outriggers
Busy CW tent in the morning
CW stn generators
CW tent with N6NO in foreground
CW tent with R-7000 in background
CW tent with R7000 & Force-12
Dawn at the CW station
Erecting the tower 1
Erecting the tower 2
Force-12 attachment to tower
Force-12 element installation 1
Force-12 element installation 2
Force-12 elements all installed
Force-12 elements laid out on the deck
Mark Schaefer WB6CIA on CW
Merv N6NO at the key with observers
Mike Tope W4EF on CW
Moving the Force-12 boom
Putting up the R-7000 vertical
Terry Flach at the key