
August 22, 2017: David Goldenberg W0DHG: How to install NBEMS/FLDIGI on your computer

NBEMS is Narrow Band Emergency Messaging Software, an open-source software suite that allows amateur radio operators to send and receive data using nearly any type of computer. FLDI is open-source software allowing an ordinary sound card in a computer to be used as a simple data modem. In learning about NBEMS/FLDI from this presentation, you are welcome to bring your laptop and your 2-m HT to the meeting.

David Goldenberg W0DHG has six years of experience as an amateur radio operator and as an ARES Emergency Coordinator doing community service to help support the community of Los Angeles. Here in more information in his own words:

I am active working with both the Amateur Radio Emergency Service and as a volunteer with the Los Angeles Sheriff Department Disaster Communications team. I also co-host a podcast about amateur radio called Ham Radio Now (hamradionow.tv).  If you have a great show idea please drop me a note at my email: w0dhg@arrl.net.

I am happily married and have three great kids. In my “free time” I also work with youth as a Scoutmaster in a local Boy Scout Troop. I enjoy teaching climbing, first aid, outdoor skills, firearms safety, and amateur radio!

Back in the “real world” I have worked in and around Information Technology since the 1980’s. I currently work in the Entertainment Industry, leading my company’s Business Continuity Program.  I hold a Business Management degree from University of Phoenix.

I live in a multigenerational home (with 5 hams), we enjoy entertaining and recreational cooking, including barbeque (I’m writing a book on the subject, isn’t everyone?) and other ethnic flavors: French, Chinese, Italian, etc…