January 24, 2023: Carl Luetzelschwab K9LA: Solar C:ycle 25 and Propagation
PLEASE NOTE: Because our in-person meeting location is unavailable, this presentation will be webcast on the internet. See the IMPORTANT NOTE at the top of this page.
K9LA will look at the ascent of Cycle 25 and expected propagation for the next year or so. Due to Cycle 25's progress so far, 15m/12m/10m are offering great opportunities for modest stations with simple antennas. He will review some simple antennas for these higher HF bands and then discuss the prospects of 6m propagation via the F2 region.
Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, began short wave listening in the late 1950s. He received his Novice license (WN9AVT) in October 1961, and selected K9LA in 1977. Carl is an electrical engineering graduate of Purdue University and was an RF design engineer for Motorola and Magnavox/Raytheon until his retirement in 2013. Carl enjoys propagation research, DXing (he’s at the Top of the Honor Roll), contesting (he was NCJ Editor from 2002-2007), experimenting with antennas and restoring/using vintage equipment. He has written monthly propagation columns for WorldRadio and NCJ, and has written solar and propagation articles for many other Amateur Radio publications. He was the lead author in the recent update of “The CQ Shortwave Propagation Handbook – 4th Edition”.
Carl was the Vice Director of the ARRL Central Division from 2017-2021. He now serves as the Director of the Central Division, and is on several of the ARRL committees.