
April 26, 2022: Alan Wolke W2AEW: Introduction to VNAs & the NanoVNA

PLEASE NOTE: Because our meeting location is unavailable due to the COVID situation, this presentation will be webcast on the internet. See the IMPORTANT NOTE at the top of this page.

A VNA is a Vector Network Analyzer, a sophisticated piece of test equipment that can evaluate a circuit by applying power at an input and examining reflected input power and output power. VNAs are indispensable in RF and microwave electronics design and testing. This month's speaker, Alan Wolke, W2AEW,  will discuss the VNA and its many uses. He will also introduce the nanoVNA, an inexpensive, versatile handheld version of the typically large and costly lab bench VNA.

Alan earned his Electrical Engineering degree in 1985 and spent the first 20+ years of his career as a design, test and applications engineer in various fields, ranging from fiber optic communications to hard disk drives. He  has been a Field Applications Engineer for Tektronix since 2006. He was originally licensed in 1980 while in high school, and currently holds an extra class license. He is a life member of the ARRL, and is the Technical Coordinator for the NNJ Section of the ARRL Field organization. His favorite ham radio activities are operating CW and SSB on the HF bands, with occasional QRP and portable operations. Outside of ham radio, Alan enjoys tinkering at the electronics workbench, and producing videos for his popular YouTube channel.